Hovering Side-in
When the helicopter is tail-in, left aileron (right stick left) moves it to the left. When the helicopter is turned so one side is facing you, left aileron either moves it away from you or towards you. This control change—and even control reversal—when the helicopter turns, is why you want to take a slow, methodical approach to flying RC heli's.
Here's How:
1. Take off.
2. Maintain a steady height from the floor, low enough that you can see the rotor disk.
3. Adjust the right stick as necessary to keep the helicopter in the same place.
4. Use rudder (sideways movement of the left stick) to gradually rotate the helicopter with the intention of (eventually) turning the left or right side towards you. This can be done in stages.
5. Hover as steadily as you can. If you get confused use the left stick to rotate the heli until the tail is pointing at you again . You have to figure out how each control has changed and adjust to the new condition.
6. If flying gets difficult land and rest for a bit. Repeat this exercise until you can hover side-in for a full minute or more.
7. Practice side-in hovering on both sides.
When you can hover tail-in and side-in you are beginning to really fly the helicopter.